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Welcome to my Website

May 12, 2022

I am Bear! Thank you so much for visiting my website and checking out my blog! I am very excited to be sharing this new project with you.

Nowadays, it seems that every business and professional has a website and it feels like a “must do” thing in today’s world. I have always been scared away by all the hassle and not being sure how things would turn out, so for a long time I had been hesitant to move forward with a plan.

After a year and a half concentrating on my ceramics practice, my work has evolved into its own direction. Over time, I started to like the things I make more and more and slowly began to show my work to a greater audience, starting with my local community. With the help of some direct compliments and comments from the public, I started to gain some more confidence in my work, and the idea of creating website became more realistic.

I am very fortunate to have a dear and talented friend, Laura Lee, the founder of Luckybone Design Co., without whom, none of what you’re seeing could possibly exist. She is the designer of my website, logo, and my business card and has been instrumental in helping me craft my online aesthetic. Credit must also be given to photographer Kenton Doupe, who has created many of the images for my website launch.

With this blog, I am looking forward to sharing more of my creations, ideas, tips, events, and shows. Of course, there will be periodical shop updates where you can purchase some of my creations. Please consider subscribing to my newsletter to get first-hand news from me. If you wish to connect with me, please visit the CONTACT section of my site.

Thank you for being here, I hope to see you again soon!